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Topping the Barrels

Every 4-6 weeks, Sal ventures into the cellar for a day or two of TOPPING, you can call it the angels share of our wine.  Sal, has to estimate the need of extra wine ready for this monthly action.  The wood barrels will allow for a small amount of wine evaporation, enough, to make the need to top off these barrels.   It is quite exciting to do, because for sure we will have some extra wines for us to taste at the end of the day!!  Sometimes, it does become a job, especially when you are needed else where at the vineyard or grandkids!  Temperatures are starting to range into the 70's & that calls for all our 2021 wines,...

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Awaiting Bud - Break in the Vineyard

The Vineyard has been pruned mid February, the weeds cut, last years shoots shredded.  Waiting for bud break of 2022.  It has been a very dry & warm February & March.    Lucky for us, we harvested as much of the water we can from the December rain pour we had.  We used our emptied wine tanks & wine bins to collect the water.  As time passed, we had to use some of the wine to water the plants & to let go of it to the vineyard.  We anticipate a dry year yet again.  the experts are predicting the difficulty growers will face for the 2022 vintage.    At Captain Vineyards, many of the activities are done by a...

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Fall 2021 at Captain Vineyards

Fall 2021 Most of leaves have fallen, the vineyard looks bear & deserted.  But, in reality it is time  for the vines to rejuvenate, after a whole season of growing.  This is the time  for our soils to build up & restructure after a long growing season.  Nature has a way to prepare for next year!! We are very excited for all the rain we are having this fall.    We have been harvesting every drop of rain that we can, we are believe that our water is very important part of our lives, vineyard & winery, we try our best to limit  the amounts that we use, and we try to reuse any water that we can. While the...

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Harvest Season has ended

As we do every year, our family, friends & club members join the harvest celebration.  We never had such an early harvest as we did this year.  We started with Pinot Noir, on 9/11 we picked up1,483 Lbs.  with an amazing team of friends & club members!! unforgettable experience.    Then on 9/15 we harvested, for the first time in 15 years, as early as September, Petite Sirah 4,553 Lbs. at 23-24 brix, again, the most beautiful grape we grow. Then on 9/18 we harvested our Cabernet Sauvignon, 1142 Lbs. at 24 brix beautiful, delicious & aromatic grape. Our hero Ava Isabella Captain, was so excited & energetic, at age 5, she took us by surprise.  Ava is a must at...

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Images from our 2021 harvest

As of date, 09/30/2021 We have harvested all our Pinot Noir 1400 Lbs., Petite Sirah 4500 Lbs., Cab Sav 1142 Lbs., all the wines have completed the primary fermentation and are in the process of secondary fermentation in the tanks!  I believe a picture is worth a 1000 words! Quality is fantastic with amazing aroma & body, but, quantity will be limited.  We have both the Cab Franc & Petite Verdot still hanging, they will be harvested next week, they will conclude our 2021 harvest.  For all those who participated in this once a year experience, it was a pleasure  to  host you and share with you our passion!

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